No one likes to think about losing their ability to make decisions, but our experience shows it’s better to be prepared.
You may not be able to predict the future, but you can prepare for it. What would happen if:
- you lose capacity to make decisions for yourself; or
- you become physically unable to manage your affairs?
If your answer to either of these questions is, “I don’t know!” then consider making an Enduring Power of Attorney (EPOA) and an Enduring Power of Guardianship (EPOG).
An EPOA enables you to appoint another person to make decisions about your property and financial matters.
An EPOG enables you to appoint another person to make personal, lifestyle and treatment decisions on your behalf in circumstances where you are unable to do so. An enduring guardian could be authorised to make decisions about things such as where you live, the support services you have access to and the medical treatment you receive.

our services
How we can help you
Making your EPOA or EPOG with us is easy and convenient.
$440 single / $660 partners
Give a trusted person to the legal authority to make financial and property decisions on your behalf. We’ll prepare your EPOA and arrange for you to sign it on-the-spot.
$440 single / $660 partners
Give a trusted person to the legal authority to make important personal, lifestyle and treatment decisions on your behalf, should you ever become incapable of making such decisions yourself. We’ll prepare your EPOG and arrange for you to sign it on-the-spot.
Why choose us
We make it easy for you
Our experienced lawyers offer practical guidance at every step. We’ll help you develop an estate plan tailored to your needs.
Friendly and efficient service
We’ll anticipate your needs and exceed your expectations. Read what thousands of our happy clients say.
Fixed prices
Whether you need a simple Will or a comprehensive estate plan, we’ll give you a fixed price quote in advance.
- as soon as the EPOA is signed; or
- only after your attorney has applied to the State Administrative Tribunal for declaration that you have lost capacity.
- you have strong views about how you wish to be cared for; or
- you wish to nominate a specific person to make those decisions on your behalf.
What our clients say
Meet our team
Legal Practitioner Director
Legal Practitioner Director
We make it easy to make your Will
Don't put it off any longer
Your Will gives your family certainty about your intentions. It will also save them inconvenience and expense at a time when they are most vulnerable.